Frequently Asked Questions
Answers to common questions regarding the stacuity network and platform
How can I get started with my stacuity SIM?
We have created a Getting Started guide to get you going quickly.
There seem to be many related concepts within the stacuity platform. How can I understand them?
They are quite simple once you understand the basics - we've provided a simple guide to the main Stacuity Concepts.
What is the minimum I need to do to connect an Endpoint (SIM) to a remote network (such as the Internet).
You need to create a VSlice, Routing Target, Routing Policy and Endpoint Group. You can then activate your SIM, and add the resulting Endpoint into the Endpoint Group.
How will I be charged?
We have adopted a simple and transparent charging model, based fairly on what stacuity is charged by our operator partners. See Billing and Charging.
Are stacuity SIMs steered or un-steered?
Network steering refers to the control over which national networks are accessible or preferred. Stacuity SIMs are un-steered - allowing the customer control over network access using Operator Policies.
Where can stacuity SIMs be used?
Subject to any Operator Policy you have configured, see our Coverage list.
How do I enable SIM-to-SIM routing?
If you need Endpoints to be able reach each other, you just need to create a Routing Policy Rule with an action of 'Reflect'.
Updated 12 months ago