JUMP TOStacuity APIAPI TokensList the API Tokens used to access this APIgetCreate a TokenpostGet a specific tokengetUpdate a specific tokenputDelete a specific tokendeleteTest if a token is validgetAuditFetch the logged audit activities on the accountgetAuthorization/api/v1/authorizations/customerSystemFunctionsgetGet the role(s) of the current usergetCustomer AccountsGet CustomergetGet Customer addressgetGet active customer sponsorsgetGet details of accountgetList Account TransactionsgetEdge ServicesGet a specific Edge ServicegetUpdate an Edge ServiceputDelete a specific Routing Targetdelete/api/v1/edgeservicesgetCreate an Edge ServicepostEndpoint GroupsList the Endpoint GroupsgetCreate an Endpoint GrouppostCreate a new Endpoint GroupgetUpdate an existing Endpoint GroupputDelete an Endpoint GroupdeleteAdd Endpoints to an Endpoint GrouppostRemove an Endpoint from an Endpoint GroupdeleteEndpointsGet a list of EndpointsgetGet a specific EndpointgetUpdate a specific EndpointputList data transfer for an EndpointgetActivate an EndpointpostAllocate an IP address to an endpointpostList events for an EndpointgetGet the Carrier Network an Endpoint is attached togetGet the Radio Access Technology (2G/3G/4G/5G) an Endpoint is attached togetGet the IMEI of the device using an EndpointgetGet Country, Carrier Network and Cell ID that an Endpoint is located ingetGet the time-stamp the Endpoint was last seen and the status of the EndpointgetGet the IP address of an EndpointgetList the Edge Key/Values for an EndpointgetRemove an Edge Key/Value for an EndpointdeleteUpdate an Edge Key/Value for an EndpointputSend an SMS (Mobile Terminated) to the EndpointpostSuspend a specific EndpointpostResume a specific EndpointpostReset a specific EndpointpostEvent EndpointsList the Event Endpoint(s)getCreate a new Event EndpointpostGet an Event EndpointgetUpdate an existing Event EndpointputDelete an Event EndpointdeleteEvent HandlersList the Event Handler(s)getCreate a new Event HandlerpostGet an Event HandlergetUpdate an existing Event HandlerputDelete an Event HandlerdeleteEvent MapsList the Event Map(s)getCreate a new Event MappostGet an Event MapgetUpdate an existing Event MapputDelete an Event MapdeleteList subscribed events for an Event MapgetSubscribe to an event for an Event MappostEvent SubscriptionsList Event Subscription(s)getGet details of an Event SubscriptiongetRemove an Event SubscriptiondeleteEventsList all events on the accountgetLookupsList the DNS ModesgetList the IP Allocation TypesgetList the IP Address FamiliesgetList the Event Endpoint TypesgetList the Event TypesgetList the Trace Session StatusesgetList the Rate LimitsgetList the Routing Target TypesgetList the Routing Policy StatusgetList the Bundle StatusesgetList the Bundle ScopesgetList the Bundle Element Service TypesgetList the Date Durations UnitsgetList the Event ScopesgetList the Customer RolesgetList the CountriesgetList the Charging TypesgetList the Network OperatorsgetList the Routing Redundancy ZonesgetList the Transport ProtocolsgetList the VPN IKE OptionsgetList the VPN ESP OptionsgetList the VPN Key Exchange TypesgetList the VPN Encryption Algorithm TypesgetList the VPN Authentication Algorithm TypesgetList the VPN Diffie Hellman GroupsgetList the VPN PRF AlgorithmsgetList the Edge Service TypesgetMetricsList details of Data TransferredgetOperator PoliciesList Operator Policy(s)getCreate a new Operator PolicypostGet a specific Operator PolicygetUpdate a specific Operator PolicyputDelete a specific Operator PolicydeleteList the entries of a specific Operator PolicygetAdd an item to a specific Operator PolicypostUpdate the Radio Access Technology of a specific Operator PolicypostPacket TracesList Packet Capture(s)getGet packet(s) of a Packet CapturegetRadius ServerList RADIUS Server(s)getCreate a new RADIUS ServerpostGet a specific RADIUS ServergetUpdate an existing RADIUS ServerputDelete a RADIUS ServerdeleteRegional Gateways/api/v1/regionalpolicies/gatewaysget/api/v1/regionalpoliciesget/api/v1/regionalpoliciespost/api/v1/regionalpolicies/{idOrMoniker}get/api/v1/regionalpolicies/{idOrMoniker}put/api/v1/regionalpolicies/{idOrMoniker}delete/api/v1/regionalpolicies/{regionalGatewayPolicyIdOrMoniker}/entriesget/api/v1/regionalpolicies/{regionalGatewayPolicyIdOrMoniker}/entriespost/api/v1/regionalpolicies/{regionalGatewayPolicyIdOrMoniker}/entriesdeleteRouting PoliciesList Routing PoliciesgetCreate a new Routing PolicypostGet a specific Routing PolicygetUpdate a specific Routing PolicyputDelete a specific Routing PolicydeleteRouting TargetsList Routing TargetsgetCreate a Routing TargetpostGet a specific Routing TargetgetUpdate a specific Routing TargetputDelete a specific Routing TargetdeleteGet a specific Routing Target Type InstancegetSignalling TracesGet an event's specific Signalling Trace PCAPgetGet an event's specific Signalling TracesgetGet packet(s) of a Signalling Trace for an endpointgetGet PCAP containing Signalling Tracing for an endpointgetSteering ProfilesList Steering Profile(s)getCreate a new Steering ProfilepostGet a specific Steering ProfilegetUpdate a specific Steering ProfileputDelete a specific Steering ProfiledeleteList the entries of a specific Steering ProfilegetAdd an item to a specific Steering ProfilepostUpdate the Radio Access Technology of a specific Steering ProfilepostTariffsGet the Tariff EntriesgetGet the Tariff Zones EntriesgetThemesRetrieve a list of themesgetGets a theme given its idgetUpdates a themeputTrace SessionsList Trace Session(s)getStart a Trace Session for an EndpointpostGet a specific Trace SessiongetUpdate a Trace Session for an EndpointputDelete Trace SessiondeleteUsersControllerV1/api/v1/usersget/api/v1/users/{userProfileId}get/api/v1/users/invitespost/api/v1/users/invitesget/api/v1/users/invites/{email}delete/api/v1/users/customersgetVSlicesList VSlice(s)getCreate a new VSlicepostGet a specific VSlicegetUpdate a specific VSliceputDelete a VSlicedeleteList the IP sub-network(s) of a VSlicegetAdd an IP sub-network to a VSlicepostModify an IP sub-network on a VSliceputRemove an IP sub-network from a VSlicedeleteList the RADIUS Server(s) linked to a VSlicegetLink a RADIUS Server(s) to a VSlicepostUnlink a RADIUS Server(s) from a VSlicedeleteReturns the vSlice APN Specification, which is inherited from the Tenant hierarchy.getStacuity Edge APIEdge EndpointGet Endpoint IDgetGet Endpoint MSISDNgetGet Endpoint IMSIgetGet Endpoint ICCIDgetGet Endpoint IP addressgetGet Current MCC/MNCgetGet CountrygetGet Radio Access TypegetGet Endpoint ReferencegetGet Endpoint GroupgetGet Current VSlicegetGet Endpoint NamegetGet Current TimegetGet all Endpoint ValuesgetEdge Endpoint Key ValueGet a custom key valuegetCreate a new custom key valuepostUpdate or Set a custom valueputDelete a custom keydeleteGet all custom key valuesgetStacuity Tenant APIAPI TokensList the API Tokens used to access this APIgetCreate a TokenpostGet a specific tokengetUpdate a specific tokenputDelete a specific tokendeleteTest if a token is validgetAuthorization/tenant/api/v1/authorizations/tenantSystemFunctionsgetBundlesCheck if you are allowed to administer bundlesgetGet a list of available bundle(s)getAdd a bundlepostGet a specific bundlegetUpdate a bundleputDelete a bundledeleteClone a bundlepostGet a list of active bundle instance(s)getDelete an active bundle instancepostDelete a bundle instancepostResume a bundle instancepostGet a list of pending bundle(s)getGet a list of pending bundle(s)getCancel a pending bundle(s)postGet a list of inactive bundle instance(s)getGet a list of bundle element instance(s)getGet a list of bundle element(s)getSuspend a bundlepostResume a bundlepostAdd a bundle elementpostGet a specific bundle elementgetUpdate a bundle elementputDelete a specific bundle elementdeleteApply a bundle to a customerpostApply a bundle to an endpointpostGet a list of bundle reservationsgetAdd a zone to a bundle elementpostDelete a bundle element zonedeleteCustomersGet a list of Customers which belongs to the TenantgetCreate a CustomerpostGet details for a specific CustomergetUpdate a CustomerputGet account details for a specific CustomergetGet a list of account transactions for a specific CustomergetTop up a Customer AccountpostApply ad-hoc debit to the Customer AccountpostApply ad-hoc credit to the Customer AccountpostList the Credit pots of a CustomergetUpdate the warning threshold of a CustomerpostUpdate the account limit of a CustomerpostEndpointsGet a list of EndpointsgetAssign endpoints to a Tenant or Customer.postAssign an Batch of Endpoints to a Tenant or Customer.postUnassign an Batch of Endpoints from their Customers.postUnassign endpoints from an existing customer to a TenantpostAllocate or re-allocate Endpoints to a Tenant and optionally assign to a customerpostAllocate or re-allocate an Endpoint Batch to a Tenant and optionally assign to a customerpostGet a specific EndpointgetUpdate a specific EndpointputAllocate an IP address to an endpointpostGet the Carrier Network an Endpoint is attached togetGet the Radio Access Technology (2G/3G/4G/5G) an Endpoint is attached togetGet the IMEI of the device using an EndpointgetGet Country, Carrier Network and Cell ID that an Endpoint is located ingetGet the time-stamp the Endpoint was last seen and the status of the EndpointgetGet the IP address of an EndpointgetList the Edge Key/Values for an EndpointgetRemove an Edge Key/Value for an EndpointdeleteUpdate an Edge Key/Value for an EndpointputEvent EndpointsList the Event Endpoint(s)getCreate a new Event EndpointpostGet an Event EndpointgetUpdate an existing Event EndpointputDelete an Event EndpointdeleteEvent HandlersList the Event Handler(s)getCreate a new Event HandlerpostGet an Event HandlergetUpdate an existing Event HandlerputDelete an Event HandlerdeleteEvent MapsList the Event Map(s)getCreate a new Event MappostGet an Event MapgetUpdate an existing Event MapputDelete an Event MapdeleteList subscribed events for an Event MapgetSubscribe to an event for an Event MappostEvent SubscriptionsList Event Subscription(s)getGet details of an Event SubscriptiongetRemove an Event SubscriptiondeleteEventsLists all events for this Tenant and any child CustomersgetSignalling TracesGet an event's specific Signalling Trace PCAPgetGet an event's specific Signalling TracesgetGet packet(s) of a Signalling Trace for an endpointgetGet PCAP containing Signalling Tracing for an endpointgetTenant AccountsGet details of accountgetGet details of specific Tenant AccountgetList account transactionsgetTop up a Tenant AccountpostApply ad-hoc debit to the Tenant AccountpostApply ad-hoc credit to the Tenant AccountpostUpdate the account limit of a TenantpostUpdate the warning threshold of a TenantpostTenantsGet a list of sub-tenantsgetAdd a sub-tenantpostGet a tenant's hierarchy treegetGet a specific tenantgetUpdate a sub-tenantputUsersGet tenant user(s)getGet details for a specific usergetInvite a user to the tenant accountpostGet a list of user(s), who are invited to the tenant accountgetCancel a pending user invitation to the tenant accountdelete/tenant/api/v1/users/tenantsgetZone SchemesList the Zone SchemesgetGet a Zone SchemegetGet the child zones of a specific parent zonegetPowered by Update a specific tokenput https://api.stacuity.com/api/v1/apitokens/{apiTokenId}